Transform Your Wastewater: Explore Ecoflo Tertiary Treatment Filters

Imagine a wastewater treatment system that’s not only highly efficient but also eco-friendly, utilising the natural power of coconut husks and peat moss. The Ecoflo Coco Filter septic system is a revolutionary solution for both homes and businesses, offering superior purification without relying on electricity. Say goodbye to traditional septic systems and embrace an innovative, sustainable approach that benefits you and the environment.

Step-by-Step Process of the Ecoflo Coco Filter System 

1. Septic Tank Setup 

The Ecoflo system starts with a septic tank, which is a key component in managing household wastewater. This tank collects raw sewage and greywater from your home, effectively separating liquid waste from solids. 

2. Biofilter Installation 

At the heart of the Ecoflo septic system is the compact biofilter. This specialised tank can be constructed from various materials, including: 

  • Polyethylene 
  • Concrete 
  • Fiberglass 

The choice of material depends on your specific site conditions, ensuring durability and efficiency. 

Oakstown Ecofilter Materials

How the Filtration Process Works 

1. Initial Separation: 

The process begins in the septic tank, where solid waste is separated from liquid waste. The liquid waste, now partially treated, flows into the biofilter for further purification. 

2. Physical Filtration: 

As the wastewater passes through the coconut husk and peat moss filter, these materials act as a physical barrier, trapping larger particles and pollutants. The unique structure of the coconut fibres creates a maze-like pathway that captures contaminants effectively. 

3. Biological Treatment: 

Within the filter, naturally occurring microorganisms thrive on the surface of the coconut husk and peat moss. These beneficial microbes feed on organic matter, breaking down harmful substances such as pathogens, nutrients, and other pollutants present in the wastewater. 

4. Chemical Filtration: 

The filtering media also facilitates chemical processes that help neutralise pollutants. The tannins and lignins present in coconut husk and peat moss contribute to the absorption of heavy metals and other contaminants, further purifying the water. 

Final Effluent: 

The treated water that exits the system is significantly cleaner and safer for release into the environment. The Ecoflo Coco Filter achieves impressive reductions in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), suspended solids, nitrogen, ammonia, and pathogens, making it one of the most effective natural treatment systems available. 

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Advantages 

  • Zero Energy Consumption: The Ecoflo system operates without electricity or mechanical components, reducing energy use and lowering carbon emissions. This energy-free operation makes it an ideal solution for off-grid locations and areas with unreliable power supply. 
  • Minimal Environmental Footprint: With its small physical footprint, the Ecoflo system can be installed in a variety of settings, minimising land disruption and maintaining the natural landscape. 
  • Long Lifespan: The durability of the coconut and peat moss media ensures a long service life of up to 15 years or more, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimising waste. 
  • Reduction of Waste: By utilising agricultural byproducts like coconut husks, the Ecoflo system helps divert waste from landfills, supporting a circular economy and promoting resource efficiency. 
  • Compliance with Environmental Standards: The Ecoflo Coco Filter meets and surpasses the most stringent environmental regulations, ensuring that treated wastewater is safe for discharge into the environment. 

Biological Wastewater Treatment 

Naturally occurring microorganisms in the filter media break down harmful substances, ensuring that only treated and purified wastewater exits the system. This process effectively reduces pollutants, making it an environmentally friendly option for wastewater management. 

Key Benefits of the Ecoflo Filter 

  • Compact Footprint: Takes up minimal space, perfect for small sites. 
  • Energy-Free Operation: Functions without electricity or any power source. 
  • Quick Installation: Designed for fast setup and immediate use. 
  • Affordable: Provides a budget-friendly option for effective wastewater treatment. 
  • Factory-Assembled: Built for quality assurance and consistency. 
  • Certified Performance: Meets PIA Germany standards for water treatment. 
  • High Reduction Rates: 

      -70% reduction in BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and suspended solids. 

      -85% reduction in total nitrogen and ammonia. 

      -Log 4 kills (99.9% reduction) of pathogens. 

  • Long-Lasting Media: The coco media filter lasts up to 15 years or more. 

Biofilter Material Options: 

The biofilter tank can be constructed from various materials to suit site-specific requirements: 

  • Polyethylene: 
  • Lightweight and easy to handle. 
  • Resistant to corrosion and chemical damage. 
  • Suitable for a wide range of environmental conditions. 
  • Concrete: 
  • Offers superior strength and durability. 
  • Ideal for high-traffic or heavy-load areas. 
  • Provides stability in sites with fluctuating water tables. 
  • Fiberglass: 
  • Combines strength with reduced weight. 
  • Resistant to chemical and environmental degradation. 
  • Well-suited for areas with difficult access or limited space. 


Eco-Friendly Benefits of the Ecoflo System 

The Ecoflo Coco Filter system stands out for its eco-friendly design and operation, offering numerous environmental advantages: 

  • Natural Resources: By utilizing coconut husk and peat moss, the system relies on renewable, sustainable materials that reduce the environmental impact of wastewater treatment. 
  • Energy Efficiency: The system operates without electricity or mechanical components, minimising energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions. 
  • Low Maintenance: The long lifespan and durability of the filtering media decrease the need for frequent maintenance and replacement, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. 
  • Environmental Protection: The Ecoflo system meets stringent environmental standards, ensuring that treated wastewater is safe for release into natural ecosystems, and protecting groundwater and surface water quality. 

Why Choose Ecoflo for Your Septic Needs? 

The Ecoflo Coco Filter system is a top choice for those seeking a natural, energy-efficient, and reliable septic treatment solution. Whether you’re dealing with challenging site conditions or looking for an environmentally-conscious option, Ecoflo offers the perfect balance of performance and sustainability. 


The Ecoflo Coco Filter system’s combination of a robust septic tank setup and advanced biofilter installation provides a reliable and sustainable solution for wastewater management. Its use of natural materials and energy-free operation make it an ideal choice for environmentally conscious homeowners and businesses seeking an effective, eco-friendly alternative to traditional septic systems.