O’Reilly Oakstown Service & Maintenance Contracts 

In order to ensure your system is working at its best and ensure no damage to the system, Waste Water Treatments should be serviced and inspected on a regular basis throughout the year by qualified technicians.  Once a problem arises the call out charges and inspections can cost much more than having an annual contract which ensures the home owner peace of mind that their system is working optimally.

We are now offering excellent annual contracts and if you book and pay for a Service, we can upgrade you to an Annual Contract that entitles you to:

–          Waste Water Treatment System serviced

–          Emergency Call out Facility

–          Annual Inspection & Service of System

–          Yearly Contracts Available

–          Technical Support included

–          From only €225 per year

Call us now on  0469431389 or Lo Call 1850200702 or complete the form below and we will call you back.

Service & Maintenance Enquiry

2 + 4 = ?

– Does my Septic Tank need Desludging
– Maintenance of a Septic Tank